Entries by Te Whāriki Manawāhine Research

Connecting Mahi Tūkino and Housing Poverty in Hauraki: Wāhine Give Voice to Compassionate Solutions

Connecting Mahi Tūkino & Housing Poverty Article Abstract In this article, we explore the relationship between mahi tūkino (family violence and sexual violence) and housing poverty, focusing on the experiences of Wāhine Māori in the rohe of Hauraki. Mana Wāhine research methodology was used to investigate how the connection between mahi tūkino and housing poverty […]

“As a Kid, I Always Knew Who I Was”

FINAL Rainbow Report Voices of Takatāpui, Rainbow and MVPFAFF+ survivors: An independent research report provided to the Abuse in Care Royal Commission Abstract: This report is provided for the Royal Commission so that Takatāpui, Rainbow and MVPFAFF+ survivors and their communities’ voices are upheld. It brings together content and reflections on engagements with the Commission […]

HE WHARE, HE TAONGA Research Report

He Whare He Taonga Report Abstract In this research, we aim to explore the relationship between mahi tūkino (family violence and sexual violence) and housing poverty, focusing on the experiences of Wāhine Māori and their whānau in the rohe of Hauraki. We used Mana Wāhine research methodology to investigate how the intersect of mahi tūkino […]